I am fascinated by Apple when it comes to inclusivity. Don't get me wrong; I still know that it is just another tech corporation focused on more and more profit. But still, I can't argue with their achievements related to a11y (accessibility).

I stumbled upon this video:


Amazing what we can achieve with technology and care. I am always happy when I see anything that makes something more inclusive, like a low-floor bus, Amazon Alexa, or just small things like I can write an e-mail to my doctor (instead of calling).

It happened that they take accessibility more seriously (from the big techs). One of their first projects was VoiceOver, a screen reader. What they made was remarkable; they integrated it into their whole ecosystem for free (if you buy an Apple product). And it was and is good if you want to know more about the origin of VoiceOver, check out this 13 Letters podcast episode.

Also, you can check out more on their accessibility page.